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Please Note: This list contains only links to PDFs. See here for paper list with full details, videos, slides, abstracts, and supplementary materials.

Conference and Journal Papers Available for Download:
  1. "Area ReSTIR: Resampling for Real-time Defocus and Antialiasing," SIGGRAPH 2024.
  2. "Decorrelating ReSTIR Samplers via MCMC Mutations," ACM TOG 2024.
  3. "Conditional Resampled Importance Sampling and ReSTIR," SIGGRAPH Asia 2023.
  4. "Amortizing Samples in Physics-Based Inverse Rendering Using ReSTIR," SIGGRAPH Asia 2023.
  5. "Generalized Resampled Importance Sampling: Foundations of ReSTIR," SIGGRAPH 2022.
  6. "Fast Volume Rendering with Spatiotemporal Reservoir Resampling," SIGGRAPH Asia 2021.
  7. "Rearchitecting Spatiotemporal Resampling for Production," HPG 2021.
  8. "Glossy Probe Reprojection for Interactive Global Illumination," SIGGRAPH Asia 2020.
  9. "Spatiotemporal Reservoir Resampling for Real-time Ray Tracing with Dynamic Direct Lighting," SIGGRAPH 2020.
  10. "Improved Alpha Testing Using Hashed Sampling," IEEE TVCG 2019.
  11. "Correlation-Aware Semi-Analytic Visibility for Antialiased Rendering," HPG 2018.
  12. Best Paper
    "Spatiotemporal Variance-Guided Filtering: Real-time Reconstruction for Path Traced Global Illumination," HPG 2017.
  13. "Generating Stratified Random Lines in a Square," JCGT 2017.
  14. "Hashed Alpha Testing," I3D 2017.
  15. "Towards Foveated Rendering for Gaze-Tracked Virtual Reality," SIGGRAPH Asia 2016. [ Low Res PDF ]
  16. 2nd Best Paper
    "Exploring and Expanding the Continuum of OIT Algorithms," HPG 2016.
  17. "Frustum-Traced Irregular Z-Buffers: Fast, Sub-pixel Accurate Hard Shadows," IEEE TVCG 2016.
  18. "CloudLight: A System for Amortizing Indirect Lighting in Real-Time Rendering," JCGT 2015.
  19. 3rd Best Paper
    "Decoupled Coverage Anti-Aliasing," HPG 2015.
  20. Best Paper
    "Frustum-Traced Raster Shadows: Revisiting Irregular Z-Buffers," I3D 2015.
  21. "Adaptive Depth Bias for Shadow Maps," JCGT 2014.
  22. "Adaptive Depth Bias for Shadow Maps," I3D 2014.
  23. "Imperfect Voxelized Shadow Volumes," HPG 2013.
  24. "Simple Analytic Approximations to the CIE XYZ Color Matching Functions," JCGT 2013.
  25. "Efficient Rendering of Anatomical Tree Structures Using Geometric Proxy," ISBI 2013.
  26. 3rd Best Paper
    "Voxelized Shadow Volumes," HPG 2011.
  27. 2nd Best Paper
    "Non-Pinhole Approximations for Interactive Rendering," IEEE CG&A 2011.
  28. "Interactive Visualization of Hospital Contact Network Data on Multi-touch Displays," MexiHC 2010.
  29. "Interactive, Multiresolution Image-Space Rendering for Dynamic Area Lighting," EGSR 2010.
  30. "The General Pinhole Camera: Effective and Efficient Non-Uniform Sampling for Visualization," IEEE TVCG 2010.
  31. "Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Adaptive Multiresolution Splatting," IEEE TVCG 2010.
  32. "Hierarchical Image-Space Radiosity for Interactive Global Illumination," EGSR 2009.
  33. One of Best Papers
    "Multiresolution Splatting for Indirect Illumination," I3D 2009.
  34. "Adaptive Caustic Maps Using Deferred Shading," EG 2009.
  35. "Interactive Volumetric Shadows in Participating Media with Single-Scattering," IRT 2008.
  36. "Hierarchical Caustic Maps," I3D 2008.
  37. "Reducing Noise in Image-Space Caustics with Variable-Sized Splatting," JGT 2008.
  38. "The Soft Shadow Occlusion Camera," PG 2007.
  39. "Interactive Refractions with Total Internal Reflection," GI 2007.
  40. "Interactive Image-Space Techniques for Approximating Caustics," I3D 2006.
  41. "Interactive Display of Isosurfaces with Global Illumination," IEEE TVCG 2006.
  42. "The Halfway Vector Disk for BRDF Modeling," ACM TOG 2006.
  43. "Interactive Image-Space Refraction of Nearby Geometry," GRAPHITE 2005.
  44. "An Approximate Image-Space Approach for Interactive Refraction," SIGGRAPH 2005.
  45. "Interactive Caustics Using Local Precomputed Irradiance," PG 2004.
  46. "Penumbra Maps: Approximate Soft Shadows in Real-Time," EGSR 2003.

  1. "Fast Local Approximation to Global Illumination," PhD Dissertation, 2004.

US Patents:
  1. "Spatiotemporal resampling with decoupled shading and reuse," US Patent #11,948,246.
  2. [Continues Patent #11,373,359]
    "Reflection denoising in ray-tracing applications," US Patent #11,941,745.
  3. "Projective hash maps," US Patent #11,925,860.
  4. [Continues Patent #11,295,515]
    "Asynchronous lighting for image illumination," US Patent #11,922,567.
  5. "Using importance resampling to reduce the memory incoherence of light sampling," US Patent #11,663,773.
  6. [Continues Patent #10,776,985]
    "Reflection denoising in ray-tracing applications," US Patent #11,373,359.
  7. "Reservoir-based spatiotemporal importance resampling utilizing a global illumination data structure," US Patent #11,315,310.
  8. [Continues Patent #10,713,838]
    "Photon-based image illumination rendering," US Patent #11,295,515.
  9. "Reflection denoising in ray-tracing applications," US Patent #10,776,985.
  10. [Continues Patent #10,008,034]
    "Image illumination rendering system and method," US Patent #10,713,838.
  11. "Performing spatiotemporal filtering," US Patent #10,600,167.
  12. "Perceptually-based foveated rendering using a contrast-enhancing filter," US Patent #10,438,400.
  13. "System and method for generating temporally stable hashed values," US Patent #10,417,813.
  14. "Frustum tests for sub-pixel shadow," US Patent #10,055,883.
  15. "System, method, and computer program product for computing indirect lighting in a cloud network," US Patent #10,008,034.
  16. "System, method, and computer program product for shading using a dynamic object-space grid," US Patent #9,754,407.
  17. "System, method, and computer program for performing object-space shading," US Patent #9,747,718.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters: (Links provided when available online.)
  1. "The Alias Method for Sampling Discrete Distributions," in Ray Tracing Gems II (APress, 2021).
  2. "Rendering Many Lights with Grid-Based Reservoirs," in Ray Tracing Gems II (APress, 2021).
  3. "Weighted Reservoir Sampling: Randomly Sampling Streams," in Ray Tracing Gems II (APress, 2021).
  4. "Introduction to DirectX Raytracing," in Ray Tracing Gems (APress, 2019).
  5. "Fast, Stencil-Based Multiresolution Splatting for Indirect Illumination," in GPU Pro (AK Peters, 2010).
  6. "A Hybrid Method for Interactive Shadows in Homogeneous Media," in ShaderX7 (Charles River Media, 2009).
  7. "Interactive Refractions and Caustics Using Image-Space Techniques," in ShaderX5 (Charles River Media, 2007).

Significant Unpublished Technical Reports and White Papers: (Links provided when available online.)
  1. "Voxel-Space Ambient Occlusion," University of Iowa Tech Report UICS-12-01, February 2012.
  2. "High-Performance V/L Analysis," US Army Research Lab Tech Report 2012.
  3. "Migrating from Custom GE4 ASIC to Commodity GPUs: Feasibility, Issues, and Concerns," White Paper for Rockwell Collins, Inc. 2011.

Other Selected Peer-Reviewed Abstracts, Courses, and Presentations: (Links provided when available online.)
  1. "A Gentle Introduction to ReSTIR: Path Reuse in Real-Time," SIGGRAPH 2023 Courses. ( Organizer, Speaker )
  2. "Rendering of Many Lights with Grid-Based Reservoirs," I3D 2021 Posters.
  3. "Open Problems in Real-Time Rendering," SIGGRAPH 2019 Courses. ( Speaker )
  4. "Introduction to Real-Time Ray Tracing," SIGGRAPH 2019 Courses. ( Speaker )
  5. "Introduction to DirectX Raytracing," SIGGRAPH 2018 Courses. ( Organizer, Speaker )
  6. "HFTS: Hybrid Frustum-Traced Shadows in 'The Division'," SIGGRAPH 2016 Talks.
  7. "Stochastic Layered Alpha Blending," SIGGRAPH 2016 Talks.
  8. Laval Virtual Award
    "Perceptually-Based Foveated Virtual Reality," SIGGRAPH 2016 Emerging Technologies.
  9. "An Overview of Next-Generation Graphics APIs," SIGGRAPH 2015 Courses. ( Organizer )
  10. "Frustum-Traced Irregular Z-Buffers: Fast, Sub-pixel Accurate Hard Shadows," SIGGRAPH 2015 Talks.
  11. "High-Quality Rasterization," GPU Technology Conference 2015 Talks.
  12. "Imperfect Voxelized Shadow Volumes," SIGGRAPH 2013 Talks.
  13. "Interactive Indirect Lighting Computed In The Cloud," SIGGRAPH 2013 Talks.
  14. "Towards Efficient and Accurate Order-Independent Transparency," SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters.
  15. "A Novel Optimization and Application of Order-Independent Transparency," GPU Technology Conference 2013 Posters.
  16. "Basics of Physically-Based Rendering," SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Courses.
  17. "Real-Time Rough Refraction via LEAN Mapping and Gaussian Sum Reduction," I3D 2012 Posters.
  18. "State of the Art: Interactive Global Illumination," SIGGRAPH 2011 Courses. ( Speaker )
  19. "Interactive Voxelized Epipolar Shadow Volumes," SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 Sketches.
  20. "Cellular-Level To Biomass Eidomics Simulation for Hypothesis Generation in Lung Cancer," Thoracic Soc. Int'l 2010 Posters.
  21. "Direct Illumination from Dynamic Area Lights With Visibility," I3D 2010 Posters.
  22. "Voxel-Space Ambient Occlusion," I3D 2010 Posters.
  23. "Direct Illumination from Dynamic Area Lights," SIGGRAPH 2009 Posters.
  24. "Interactive Backprojected Soft Shadows with an Occlusion Camera Shadow Map," SIGGRAPH 2007 Posters.
  25. "A Cooperative Multi-Robot Approach to the Mapping and Exploration of Mars," AAAI 1997 Mobile Robot Competition.